Geocaching Events See our bookmark list with Geocaching Events we plan to attend and our event sponsoring terms.
Selection of Games and Contests
At many Geocaching events one or multiple games and contests are
organized. Participation is always voluntary and typically happens in Teams
of 3 to 5 persons.
Some of the possibilities are:
- TerraTouching
allows the automatic scoring of GPS tracks. Teams can get a score
depedning on the navigation goals reached. Similar as with an
orienteering hike teams can get points for visiting waypoints.
- Cachathon
caches of different difficulty are hidden for a Cachathon. Each Cache
has a stamp and a FTF Cachathon token. Each team decides for itself
which caches to hunt for and in which order. A ranking is determined by
evaluating stamp cards, FTF token, GPS track logs and photos.
- Poker Run
game organizers keep 3 playing cards, all remaining playing cards are
distributed among two caches. Participants retrieve one card from each
cache. The team that together with the 3 kept cards reaches the highest
poker hand wins.
- GeoGolf
Participants have to come as close as possible to a professionally
measured point (the golf hole). Something like a Trimble GeoXT can be
used to make the initial professional measurements of the Geo Golf
- GPS Drawing
Using the "tracking" function of the GPS a figure has to be drawn.